Monday, October 21, 2013

New York Nights / New York Minute (Part III)

For the Love of Fashion

My New York adaptation chapter finally came to a end when a friend coaxed me into being her wing woman. It was at this point I realized that I have little to no tolerance for what I now term to be shitty (Self-important Hopeless Ignorant Thirsty Tasteless Yucky) guys. Because somewhere between the fashion designer/club promoter proclamation and seeing the inspired "fashion line" on IG that solely consisted of leather pants; I knew "my guy" for the night and I weren't meant to be. As the night went on though, I came to find that my guy wasn't too bad and actually the nicer of the two, as his friend turned into somewhat of a tool. 

New York Nights / New York Minute (Part II)

Call Me, Maybe?!?!

My next incident happened on a night out with the girlfriends. True to our mantra (YOLO), we had decided were going to go all out. We started by going to a few spots in the city and ultimately found ourselves at The Jane Hotel. After a night of stupid fun and dancing away with each other, the realization of the club closing and our night coming to an end began to creep in... because before I knew it, it was every woman for themselves. I almost felt like I was in a twisted version of Cinderella and I had only 10 minutes left on the ticking songs to find my prince.  To make matters I had to make sure these 10 minutes were amazing enough to my prince cometh searching for me beyond the night or at the very least texting

Sunday, October 20, 2013

New York Nights / New York Minute (Part I)

Alas it's been a month going on two since I last blogged... I'm behind with everything and ashamedly sucking at life right now. Hard as it was to stay away, I had to majorly sort out my life in New York so I could be able to get back to spending my undivided time (or at least try to) on romantically failing and sharing these failures with you all. But! fear no more, because class is officially in session and this past month of exploring the city (aka NYC guy orientation) has left me with a story or two share...

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Challenge ACCEPTED!

Time to see if all these romantic comedies that we've been indoctrinated with have a smidge of reality in them... If Andie Anderson (Kate Hudson) can make a guy - and not just any guy mind you, we're talking Benjamin Barry aka Matthew McSteamy fall in love with her within 10 days without even trying, then I sure as hell better be able to get a date in 10 days.

Yes people, you heard me right... 

Friday, August 23, 2013


...You know how sometimes you read a book and there’s a little intro, to give you a background story, well this first blog is a prelude of my dating past. After all you can't know where you're going, if you don't know where you're coming from so here goes. 

Once Upon A Time,  when I was in 6th grade I dated my very first boyfriend. Our “relationship” lasted all through middle school and like most middle school relationships, my relationship or rather my boyfriend was nothing short of a persona accessory. So, why even mention it? ...well because my middle school boyfriend, Adam (names have been changed for the sake of protecting the innocent) is the only ‘official’ boyfriend I have ever had. I know what you're thinking cause trust me I’ve been thinking it these past few years, FAIL!!! To my defense though I've "dated" (and I use the word loosely) a good amount of guys in college, sadly (well at least for some) none of these flings have ever amounted to anything close to a relationship - but more on this later. For now let's get back to where it all started. Adam. 
