Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Challenge ACCEPTED!

Time to see if all these romantic comedies that we've been indoctrinated with have a smidge of reality in them... If Andie Anderson (Kate Hudson) can make a guy - and not just any guy mind you, we're talking Benjamin Barry aka Matthew McSteamy fall in love with her within 10 days without even trying, then I sure as hell better be able to get a date in 10 days.

Yes people, you heard me right... 

Friday, August 23, 2013


...You know how sometimes you read a book and there’s a little intro, to give you a background story, well this first blog is a prelude of my dating past. After all you can't know where you're going, if you don't know where you're coming from so here goes. 

Once Upon A Time,  when I was in 6th grade I dated my very first boyfriend. Our “relationship” lasted all through middle school and like most middle school relationships, my relationship or rather my boyfriend was nothing short of a persona accessory. So, why even mention it? ...well because my middle school boyfriend, Adam (names have been changed for the sake of protecting the innocent) is the only ‘official’ boyfriend I have ever had. I know what you're thinking cause trust me I’ve been thinking it these past few years, FAIL!!! To my defense though I've "dated" (and I use the word loosely) a good amount of guys in college, sadly (well at least for some) none of these flings have ever amounted to anything close to a relationship - but more on this later. For now let's get back to where it all started. Adam. 
